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Understanding Poem
this series we will share about Understanding
are 4 points which we will discuss in this video
between poem, poetry, and prose
of the poem
example of the poem
The distinction between poem, poetry,
and prose
will be explained in this order.
To make it clear let's watch this video below!
William Henry Davies
That on a rough, hard rock Happy can lie;
Friendless and all alone
On this unsweetened stone.
I’ll make my joy like this Small Butterfly;
Whose happy heart has power
To make a stone a flower.
Poetry is literary work in which
special intensity is given to the expression of feeling and ideas by the use of
distinctive style and rhytm. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Poetry merupakan suatu bentuk karya
tulis yang biasanya merupakan ekspresi jiwa dengan nilai estetika yang
berkualitas dan memiliki makna yag mendalam. Poetry dalam bahasa
indonesia disebut dengan puisi.
Prose is written or spoken
language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. Jika dalam bahasa indonesia, prose disebut
dengan prosa dan memiliki arti sebuah bentuk karya tulis
dengan ritme yang besar dan biasanya digunakan untuk menuangkan sebuah ide,
fakta, pendapat ataupun gagasan.
Perbedaan Antara Poem, Poetry Dan
- Poem : Merupakan sebuah
sajak dalam bahasa inggris yang setiap barisnya saling memiliki
- Poetry : Merupakan sebuah
puisi (karya tulis) dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki sebuah estetika dan
makna yang mendalam.
- Prose : Prose atau prosa
merupakan karya tulis yang memiliki ritme yang besar dan biasanya
digunakan untuk menuagkan ide atau gagasan akan suatu hal.
*Ritme : aksen suara yang teratur
are so many! And every culture/language has its own forms! To list them all
would be impossible. However, if you are going to start somewhere, I would
suggest learning a few basic terms first so that when you encounter complex
structures. I would start with the following terms:
Stressed syllable
Unstressed syllable
consonant rhyme: when
the last two syllables rhyme with the same consonant falling between them.
Example in English: “Humpty Dumpty”
assonant rhyme: When
the last two vowels of the last two syllables rhyme, but the consonant between
them is different. This form of rhyme is pretty rare in English, but is very
common in Romance languages. Example in Spanish: “ala / brava”
slant rhyme: AKA “half-rhyme” -
these are words that can “rhyme” when written, but do not when spoken. For
example, “wind / find” when “wind” refers to a gust of air. Otherwise, slant
rhyme can be words that are *nearly* alike, but don’t quite rhyme.
Emily Dickinson used this with some frequency.
meter: the number of syllables in one poetic verse
foot: two
syllables make up a foot, and a verse is composed of a number
of feet, having a pattern of emphasis (unaccented and accented syllables)
Example of a type of meter: iambic
pentameter: A metrical line consisting of five feet in
unaccented/accented sequence for a total of ten syllables. Much of
Shakespeare's plays and poems employ iambic pentameter with consonant
stanza: a grouping of any number of individual
lines/verses, followed by a break, or that stand on their own as a single poem.
couplet: Two verses.
tercet: Three verses.
quatrain: Four verses.
form: the collection/pattern of stanzas that comprise a
poem. Form can be strictly or loosely defined.
An example of strict form: the
sonnet: A poem with strict form obeys rules of rhyme, meter, and
stanzas. The Shakespearean sonnet often consists of fourteen lines: three
quatrains and then a couplet. The meter is iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme
is (abab cdcd efef gg) where each letter represents the rhyming of
the last syllable(s).)
Looser forms of poetry have stanzas that are more intuitive, and
lack the formal structures (rhyme, meter, stanzas) as defined
by tradition. Free verse is an example of poetry that lacks formal
structures, obeying only the logic of the poem's content.
Example in English: “Humpty Dumpty”
Let's Practice!
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