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Holiday Experience: How to Use Past Tense (3)

Differentiate simple past tense from past continuous tense by identifying each tense in a sentence.
Use simple past tense and past continuous tense correctly to tell about holiday experience.
Learn about it!
Last weekend, my family and I went to the beach.
There are two ways to analyze the tense:
First, you can find the time that indicates it happened in the past, as in the example above you can find “Last weekend”. This phrase tells you that the event happened last week, which means it happened in the past.
Second, you can see it from the verb that is used in the sentence. In the example above, you can read that ‘my family and I went to the beach’. ‘Went’ is past form of ‘go’, it indicates the use of simple past tense.
The next sentences in the text above are also written in past tense:
First, my father checked* the car. ‘Checked’ is past form of ‘check’.
It was in a good condition, so we were ready to go. ‘Was’ and ‘were’ are past form of ‘be’.
Before we went, my mother cooked the meal while my father and I were packing our things.
In this sentence, there are two clauses joined by ‘while’:
a. Before we went, my mother cooked the meal; and
b. My father and I were packing our things.
The first clause uses simple past tense just like the other sentences. It is indicated by the word ‘cooked’. This is the past form of ‘cook’. However, there is something different with the second clause. It uses past continuous tense instead of past tense. Past continuous tense indicates an event that was happening at a particular time in the past. So, the event ‘my father and I were packing our things’ was happening while ‘my mother cooked the meal’.
Past Tense
In past tense, the verb that you use is in the past form. For example:
I did my homework.
She studied math after class. The above structure is examples of simple past tense.
Past Continuous Tense
In past continuous tense, you use was/were + the –ing form of a verb. ‘Was’ is used for singular (I, she, he). ‘Were’ is used for plural (they, we).
I was taking a bath when you called.
We were going to the mountain, but the storm came.
Lets Practice!

Differentiate simple past tense from past continuous tense by identifying each tense in a sentence.
Use simple past tense and past continuous tense correctly to tell about holiday experience.
Learn about it!
You went to a really good place last holiday and your friend asked you about your experience having a holiday in that place. What will your reaction be? How do you tell them about your experience? In this lesson, you will learn about how to use past tense in order to tell your holiday experience.
Experience can be defined as something that happens to you. Generally, it happened to you in the past. It can be childhood experience, events that happened last year, or even your holiday experience. Holiday experience happened to you in the past. Logically an experience is something that you face, something that happened to you in the past. Experience is life events that already happened before. It is something that you have been through before. So, when we want to tell others about our experience in the past, how do we tell them in English?
In English, there are several ‘tenses’ we can use that show the time at which an action happened. For example when we talk about something that will happen in the future we use future tense; when we talk about something that we are doing now we use present continuous tense; when we want to tell about something that happened in the past we use past tense.
Holiday experience is something that happened in the past, thus we use past tense to tell others about what happened. Read the text about holiday experience below.
Do you understand?
Pay attention to the first sentence. How do you know that the experience happened in the past?
Experience can be defined as something that happens to you. Generally, it happened to you in the past. It can be childhood experience, events that happened last year, or even your holiday experience. Holiday experience happened to you in the past. Logically an experience is something that you face, something that happened to you in the past. Experience is life events that already happened before. It is something that you have been through before. So, when we want to tell others about our experience in the past, how do we tell them in English?
In English, there are several ‘tenses’ we can use that show the time at which an action happened. For example when we talk about something that will happen in the future we use future tense; when we talk about something that we are doing now we use present continuous tense; when we want to tell about something that happened in the past we use past tense.
Holiday experience is something that happened in the past, thus we use past tense to tell others about what happened. Read the text about holiday experience below.

Do you understand?
Pay attention to the first sentence. How do you know that the experience happened in the past?
Last weekend, my family and I went to the beach.
There are two ways to analyze the tense:
First, you can find the time that indicates it happened in the past, as in the example above you can find “Last weekend”. This phrase tells you that the event happened last week, which means it happened in the past.
Second, you can see it from the verb that is used in the sentence. In the example above, you can read that ‘my family and I went to the beach’. ‘Went’ is past form of ‘go’, it indicates the use of simple past tense.
The next sentences in the text above are also written in past tense:
First, my father checked* the car. ‘Checked’ is past form of ‘check’.
It was in a good condition, so we were ready to go. ‘Was’ and ‘were’ are past form of ‘be’.
Before we went, my mother cooked the meal while my father and I were packing our things.
In this sentence, there are two clauses joined by ‘while’:
a. Before we went, my mother cooked the meal; and
b. My father and I were packing our things.
The first clause uses simple past tense just like the other sentences. It is indicated by the word ‘cooked’. This is the past form of ‘cook’. However, there is something different with the second clause. It uses past continuous tense instead of past tense. Past continuous tense indicates an event that was happening at a particular time in the past. So, the event ‘my father and I were packing our things’ was happening while ‘my mother cooked the meal’.
Past Tense
In past tense, the verb that you use is in the past form. For example:
I did my homework.
She studied math after class. The above structure is examples of simple past tense.
Past Continuous Tense
In past continuous tense, you use was/were + the –ing form of a verb. ‘Was’ is used for singular (I, she, he). ‘Were’ is used for plural (they, we).
I was taking a bath when you called.
We were going to the mountain, but the storm came.
Lets Practice!
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