Episode 6_Present Perfect Tense vs Past Tense

Episode 6_Present Perfect Tense vs Past Tense

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Lesson Topic: Conversation Analysis and Present Perfect Tense in Context

Students will explore the use of Present Perfect tense in a conversation and understand how it connects past actions with their present consequences. By the end of the lesson, students will identify and explain the significance of the tense in different parts of the conversation.


  • Greeting & Agenda Overview:

    • Welcome class! Today, we’ll analyze a conversation and identify how the Present Perfect tense is used to highlight past actions that are still relevant today.
  • Warm-up Question:

    • Has anyone ever forgotten something important at the last minute? How did it affect your plans?
  • Relevance to the Lesson:

    • The conversation we'll be looking at revolves around Debbie, who forgets to bring a projector, causing a ripple effect in her day. This will help us understand how Present Perfect tense can emphasize actions that have immediate consequences in the present.


Part 1: Pete: What? What's the matter? Debbie: I've forgotten to get a projector. I promised to show some photos of my fashion project to Lily and some of her friends at Sunny Bank this afternoon. I've got them on this memory stick, but I need a projector. I was going to borrow one from our neighbor. Pete: What about a computer? Debbie: A computer screen's too small for them to see properly. Oh, I'm so stupid. Joel: I'll get you a projector. Debbie: How? I need it now. Joel: Meet me in the entrance hall in... five minutes. Part 2: Joel: Here. I need to get it back to the IT room before school finishes. How long will you be? Debbie: About an hour? Joel: That's cool. Debbie: Joel, does anyone know that I've got this? Joel: I do. Debbie: OK. Thanks. Part 3: Debbie: There, that's the last one. Lily: Thank you, Debbie. That was wonderful. You certainly do know a lot about fashion! Well done. Part 4: Debbie: Jess! Jess, hi. Listen, I'm late for my class. Are you with Joel next lesson? Jess: Yes. Debbie: Can you give him this? Jess: Yeah, sure, no problem. Debbie: Cool, thanks. See you later. Jess: Joel, Debbie asked me to give... Joel: The main part's OK, but the lamp's broken. Debbie: Phew! So we just need to get a new bulb. Joel: Do you know how much they cost? Around two hundred pounds. Jess: I don't believe it! Joel: It's true. Projector lamps are really expensive. Jess: I am so sorry, guys. This is all my fault. Debbie: No, you were just trying to help, Jess. It was an accident. Listen, let's just put it back quickly. Joel: And not tell anyone? No. We mustn't do that. Debbie: Why not, Joel? No one will know who did it. The school will just buy another lamp. Joel: No, this is my responsibility, and I don't want anyone else to get into trouble for it. I'm going to tell Miss Bradley. Part 5: Miss Bradley: Joel has told me about the projector. I just want to tell you all that I'm very pleased with him. He didn't have to tell anyone that he took it without permission, but he did the right thing. Debbie: It was my fault too, Miss. Miss Bradley: No. Joel decided to take it, not you, Debbie. And Jess dropped it by accident. You were just trying to help each other out. So let's just forget about it, OK? All: Thanks, Miss. Thank you. Miss Bradley: Right, off you go. I've got to write a report about how the projector needs a new lamp!

Part 1: Setting the Scene

Debbie has forgotten to bring a projector and is in a panic because she needs to show photos of her fashion project to Lily and her friends.

  • Present Perfect Example:

    • Debbie says: “I’ve forgotten to get a projector.”
    • Explanation: Debbie uses the Present Perfect tense here to express that her forgetting occurred before now, but the consequences (no projector) are happening right now.
  • Class Discussion:

    • Why do you think Debbie says “I’ve forgotten” instead of “I forgot”?
    • (Elicit that the action is more important because it’s affecting her now.)

Part 2: Present Perfect in Action (Showing Ownership)

Debbie has the photos on her memory stick, but she needs a larger screen to present them.

  • Present Perfect Example:

    • Debbie says: “I’ve got them on this memory stick.”
    • Explanation: The Present Perfect tense is used to emphasize that Debbie obtained the photos sometime before, and they are still relevant to her needs at the present moment.
  • Class Activity:

    • Have students write their own sentences using "I've got" to show possession of something important right now.

Part 3: Conflict and Responsibility

Debbie borrows a projector from Joel, but it gets accidentally damaged by Jess.

  • Present Perfect Example:

    • Joel says: "I've told Miss Bradley about the projector."
    • Explanation: Joel uses the Present Perfect tense here to indicate that he has already informed Miss Bradley about the situation. The action occurred in the past, but it’s relevant because it means Miss Bradley now knows what happened.
  • Discussion Question:

    • Why is it important that Joel told Miss Bradley? How does the use of Present Perfect show his honesty and responsibility?

Part 4: Debrief and Consequences

Miss Bradley speaks to the group after Joel confesses. She appreciates Joel's honesty.

  • Present Perfect Example:

    • Miss Bradley says: "Joel has told me about the projector."
    • Explanation: Miss Bradley uses the Present Perfect tense to show that Joel’s past action of telling her has an ongoing effect—she now knows the situation and is handling it.
  • Pair Work:

    • Students will work in pairs to identify other Present Perfect examples in the conversation and explain their significance in the current situation.

Conclusion: Present Perfect Recap and Its Role in Real-Life Conversations

  • Key Takeaways:
    • Present Perfect tense connects past actions to their consequences in the present.
    • In the conversation, it helps show that forgetting something, owning something, and telling someone about something are actions that matter right now.
  • Exit Ticket:
    • Write a sentence using the Present Perfect to describe something you’ve done recently that still affects you today.


  • Find a short conversation (from TV, a book, or real life) that uses the Present Perfect tense. Write down at least two examples and explain why Present Perfect was used in each case.

Let's Practice:

Here are 10 multiple-choice questions based on the conversation (Episode 6) and the use of the Present Perfect tense:

1. Why does Debbie say, "I’ve forgotten to get a projector"?

a) She no longer needs the projector.
b) She didn’t remember to bring the projector, and it’s affecting her now.
c) She remembered to bring the projector but doesn’t want to use it.
d) She lost the projector.

Answer: b) She didn’t remember to bring the projector, and it’s affecting her now.

2. In the sentence, “I’ve got them on this memory stick,” what does "I’ve got" emphasize?

a) Debbie lost the memory stick.
b) Debbie doesn’t have the photos anymore.
c) Debbie has the photos now.
d) The memory stick is broken.

Answer: c) Debbie has the photos now.

3. Why does Miss Bradley use the Present Perfect tense when she says, “Joel has told me about the projector”?

a) Joel told her a long time ago.
b) Joel has already told her, and it’s still relevant to the situation.
c) Joel forgot to tell her.
d) Joel told her, but it wasn’t important.

Answer: b) Joel has already told her, and it’s still relevant to the situation.

4. What does Debbie mean by “I’ve forgotten” in the context of the conversation?

a) She intentionally left the projector behind.
b) She remembered to bring the projector.
c) She didn’t remember to get the projector, and now it’s causing a problem.
d) She decided not to use the projector.

Answer: c) She didn’t remember to get the projector, and now it’s causing a problem.

5. Which of the following sentences is an example of the Present Perfect tense?

a) I forgot to bring the projector.
b) I will get the projector later.
c) I’ve forgotten to get a projector.
d) I was going to get the projector.

Answer: c) I’ve forgotten to get a projector.

6. In the conversation, what does Joel mean by “I’ve told Miss Bradley about the projector”?

a) He plans to tell Miss Bradley later.
b) He told Miss Bradley in the past, and now it’s important because she knows.
c) He forgot to tell Miss Bradley.
d) Miss Bradley already knew about the projector before Joel told her.

Answer: b) He told Miss Bradley in the past, and now it’s important because she knows.

7. Why does Debbie use the Present Perfect when she says, “I’ve got them on this memory stick”?

a) She had the photos but lost them.
b) She put the photos on the memory stick, and now they are still there.
c) She will upload the photos later.
d) She didn’t put the photos on the memory stick.

Answer: b) She put the photos on the memory stick, and now they are still there.

8. How does Miss Bradley use the Present Perfect tense to show appreciation for Joel?

a) She says, “Joel has told me about the projector” to show he took responsibility for his actions.
b) She says, “Joel tells me about the projector” to show he is responsible.
c) She says, “Joel will tell me about the projector” to show she is waiting for him to confess.
d) She says, “Joel forgot to tell me” to show disappointment.

Answer: a) She says, “Joel has told me about the projector” to show he took responsibility for his actions.

9. In which situation would you use the Present Perfect tense, similar to “I’ve forgotten to get a projector”?

a) I forgot to get a projector last week, but it’s not a problem anymore.
b) I will forget to get the projector tomorrow.
c) I’ve forgotten to get a projector, and now I don’t have it.
d) I am forgetting the projector right now.

Answer: c) I’ve forgotten to get a projector, and now I don’t have it.

10. What is the purpose of using the Present Perfect in “Joel has told me about the projector”?

a) To show the action is finished and has no relevance to the present.
b) To show that Joel told Miss Bradley and the information is important now.
c) To indicate that Joel forgot to tell Miss Bradley.
d) To suggest that Joel hasn’t told Miss Bradley yet.

Answer: b) To show that Joel told Miss Bradley and the information is important now.

These questions should help reinforce the students' understanding of the Present Perfect tense in a practical, real-life context.

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