General Characteristics and Functions of Procedural Texts

General Characteristics and Functions of Procedural Texts

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 General Characteristics and Functions of Procedural Texts


  • Identify the purpose of a procedure text correctly
  • Identify the generic structure of a procedure text accurately
  • Interpret the meaning of the goal, materials, and steps in a procedure text accurately.

Learn about it!

Do you like operating machines, cooking or doing experiments? If so, where do you usually find the procedures? You can easily find information about how to do something from the internet. In English subject, do you know what is that called? It’s called a procedure text. What is a procedure text?

Read the following example:

The purpose procedural text is to tell the readers how to do or how to make something. The information in a procedure text is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. It begins with an aim/goal and followed by materials or equipment needed. The last part is the steps as explained in the following:

The structure of a procedure text


It tells the purpose of the text. The goal/aim explains what the steps will be about. In written texts, it usually becomes the title of the text.

Materials/equipment/ingredients (optional)

This part tells about the materials needed. Why is this part optional? This is because sometimes we don’t need to fill this part. Material or equipment means a set of necessary tools for a specific purpose, while ingredient means a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish. So when the text is about how to make some food, you will find ingredients.

Take a look back at the three definitions of a procedure text. When the text explains how to operate a machine, the main material is the machine itself, so, we don’t need other materials. The same principle goes for a text that deals with human behavior. Let’s take for an example; the text is about how to be happy. Since the purpose of the text is giving tips about what people can do to be happy, no material/ equipment/ ingredients are needed.


Some texts use the term ‘methods’ instead of steps. However both terms describe the steps to achieve the purpose.

Language Feature of Procedure

  • Using temporal conjunction (sequence): first, second, third, then, next, finally, at last, etc.
  • Using action verb.
  • Using imperative sentence: Add some salt, use small pot, etc.
  • Using simple present tense
  • Use command words (fold….; cut….; glue….;
  • Use correct technical terms
  • Most sentences start with a verb
  • Exact details or information


So, we can conclude that a procedure text can be a set of instructions or directions to show steps or stages. The procedure begins with an aim or goal then followed be materials needed, and the steps of how to do such activity. 

Lets Practice!


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01. Saya mengetahui arti kata-kata pada pada teks di atas
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03. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan membaca teks yang tersedia
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04. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan sedikit membaca teks
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05. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks
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06. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks disertai dengan variasi baru atau pengembangan teks
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07. Saya bisa membuat karya video terkait dengan percakapan yang diperagakan
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08. Saya bisa membuat video dan telah disosialisasikan pada sosial media yang saya miliki
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  • Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
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  • Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
  • Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?

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