Offering Help_Episode 6

Offering Help_Episode 6

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As a student, sometimes you don’t want to do school activities alone. Sometimes, you can’t do some things only by yourself. You want to do them with your friends or have to do things with your friends. Can you mention those activities?




Understanding transactional and interpersonal dialogues in the form of offering something
1. Able to identify the expression of offering something
2. Able to identify the use of the expressions in offering something to others
3. Able to identify the use of formal and informal expression in offering something in a certain context



  1. Projector (Proyektor)
  2. Memory stick (Flashdisk)
  3. Borrow (Meminjam)
  4. Computer screen (Layar komputer)
  5. Stupid (Bodoh)
  6. Entrance hall (Aula masuk)
  7. I.T room (Ruang Teknologi Informasi)
  8. Fashion (Mode)
  9. Wonderful (Luar biasa)
  10. Class (Pelajaran)
  11. Bulb (Bohlam)
  12. Accident (Kecelakaan)
  13. Responsibility (Tanggung jawab)
  14. Expensive (Mahal)
  15. Fault (Kesalahan)
  16. Permission (Izin)
  17. Pleased (Senang)
  18. Report (Laporan)
  19. Lamp (Lampu)
  20. Properly (dengan benar, dengan tepat, dengan baik)

In this series we are going to talk about Offering something. To improve your skill in listening, you have better to practice it a lot. By doing brainstorming and note taking during listening task you could developing ideas.

 How to offering help to someone, let’s watch this clip.


Pete: What? What's the matter? 

Debbie: I've forgotten to get a projector. I promised to show some photos of my fashion project to Lily and some of her friends at Sunny Bank this afternoon. I've got them on this memory stick but I need a projector. I was going to borrow one from our neighbour. 

Pete: What about a computer? 

Debbie: A computer screen's too small for them to see properly. Oh, I'm so stupid. 

Joel: I'll get you a projector. 

Debbie: How? I need it now. 

Joel: Meet me in the entrance hall in... five minutes. 

Joel: Here. I need to get it back to the I.T room before school finishes. How long will you be? 

Debbie: About an hour? 

Joel: That's cool.

Debbie: Joel, does anyone know that I've got this? 

Joel: I do. 

Debbie: OK. Thanks. 

Debbie : There, that's the last one. 

Lily: Thank you Debbie. That was wonderful. You certainly do know a lot about fashion! Well done. 

Debbie: Jess! Jess, hi. Listen I'm late for my class. Are you with Joel next lesson? 

Jess: Yes. 

Debbie: Can you give him this? 

Jess: Yeah, sure, no problem. 

Debbie: Cool, thanks. See you later. 

Jass: Joel, Debbie asked me to give... 

Joel: The main part's OK, but the lamp's broken. 

Debbie: Phew! So we just need to get a new bulb. 

Joel: Do you know how much they cost? Around two hundred pounds. 

Jass: I don't believe it! 

Joel: It's true. Projector lamps are really expensive. 

Jass: I am so sorry, guys. This is all my fault. 

Debbie: No you were just trying to help, Jess. It was an accident. Listen, let's just put it back quickly. 

Joel: And not tell anyone? No. We mustn't do that. 

Debbie: Why not, Joel? No one will know who did it. The school will just buy another lamp. 

Joel: No, this is my responsibility and I don't want anyone else to get into trouble for it. I'm going to tell Miss Bradley. 

Miss Bradley. : Joel has told me about the projector. I just want to tell you all that I'm very pleased with him. He didn't have to tell anyone that he took it without permission. But he did the right thing. 

Debbie : It was my fault too, Miss. 

Miss Bradley.: No. Joel decided to take it, not you, Debbie. And Jess dropped it by accident. You were just trying to help each other out. So let's just forget about it, OK?

All: Thanks, Miss. Thank you.

Miss Bradley. : Right, off you go. I've got to write a report about how the projector needs a new lamp!

In this situation, Joel offers help to Debbie, He can use this expression “Let me help you to get a projector” Debbie might say “Of course, It really important to me” or “You’re very kind”

Possible expressions of offering help based on the context of the conversation above:

"I'll get you a projector."

"Can I help you find a projector?"

"Would you like me to borrow a projector for you?"

"I can lend you my projector for the presentation."

"Let me know if you need any assistance with getting a projector."

"If you need a projector, I can try to arrange one for you."

"I can help you set up the projector for the presentation."

"Need help finding a place to rent a projector?"

"I'm available to assist you in getting the projector on short notice."

"If you're in a hurry, I can quickly look for a projector for you."

From the conversation above, several moral values can be inferred:

Responsibility: Joel demonstrated responsibility by owning up to his actions and admitting that he took the projector without permission. He took responsibility for the broken lamp and was willing to face the consequences of his actions.

Honesty: Joel's honesty in confessing to Miss Bradley about the broken lamp is commendable. Honesty is a valuable trait that promotes trust and integrity in relationships.

Cooperation and Friendship: Throughout the conversation, the characters showed cooperation and friendship by helping each other out. Debbie and Joel tried to find a solution together when Debbie needed a projector, and Jess was willing to deliver a message for Debbie.

Forgiveness and Understanding: Miss Bradley showed forgiveness and understanding by recognizing that it was an accident and not holding Debbie or Jess responsible for the broken lamp. She encouraged them to move on from the incident and not dwell on the mistakes.

Personal Integrity: Joel's decision to do the right thing despite the potential consequences showcased personal integrity. He didn't want to involve others in his mistake and took it upon himself to resolve the situation.

Empathy and Support: When Jess apologized for the incident, Debbie and the others showed empathy and support, reassuring Jess that it was an accident and not her fault.

Learning from Mistakes: The characters in the conversation acknowledged their mistakes and tried to find ways to fix them. This reflects the importance of learning from one's errors and using them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Teachers as Role Models: Miss Bradley's reaction to Joel's honesty and her appreciation of his integrity demonstrates how teachers can be positive role models for students by valuing and encouraging ethical behavior.

Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of taking responsibility for one's actions, being honest, and supporting one another in times of difficulty. It also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, understanding, and learning from mistakes in building positive and healthy relationships.

In daily conversation you will face situations where someone offers you some help, or food, or invite you to visit their house or to go to some events like a concert or movie. When someone offers you assistance and you need or want to accept, remember to thank them. If their assistance makes them sacrifice a significant amount of time, energy and other resources, ask them if you can return the favor. This is a polite way to return somebody’s good effort for you.
Read the following illustration to make it clearer.

       Take for an example, a situation when you are ill and your friend offers to take you to the doctor. This friend arranges a transportation for you, accompany you in consulting with the doctor, get you the medicine and take you home. What your friend did to you, of course consumed her/ his time, cost and energy. In return, you can offer to accompany her/ him when she/ he needs you. If the assistance makes someone have to pay some money, compensate him or her. For example, if you accept a ride from a friend, offer him or her to spare the gas cost.

How to say it?
       There are various expressions that you can use to accept an offer. When talking to older people or to strangers, you will need to use formal sentences. However, when speaking to close friends you can use more casual way.
Here are examples of how to accept an offer formally:
Thank you for your offer. I would be delighted to.
Thank you. I would love to.
Yes, thank you. That would be great/ wonderful.
Do you know? Sometimes contractions make formal phrases sounds more casual but still polite:
Thanks for your offer. I’d be delighted to.
Thanks. I’d love to.
Yes, thanks. That’d be great/ wonderful.
Let's think!
Read and study these following situations.
Situation 1: a conversation between a taxi driver and a client
Driver: Shall I carry your suitcase?
Ms. Anna: Yes please. That would be very kind of you.
Situation 2 : a conversation between colleagues
Mr. Dean: Would you like me to print the report?
Mr. Hans: If you wouldn't mind. Or If you could.
Situation 3 : a conversation between friends
Hanna : Good morning, Ajeng. Coffee?
Ajeng : Oh, great! I’d love one.
       When someone offers you assistance and you do not need or want it, decline politely and be firm when necessary. In western culture, it is not offensive to politely decline offered assistance. Just say to them that you “get it” or you “want to try it on your own.” If someone offers you food and you do not want it, you can just say “No, but thanks for offering.”
Here are some examples on declining an offer:
No thank you.
No, but thanks for offering.
The following examples are for specific situations:
Declining assistance
It's OK, I can do it.
Don't worry, I'll do it.
Declining foods
I'm really full. Thanks anyway.
Looks delicious, but I'll have to pass.
Here are some more examples:
Situation 1: a conversation between a waiter and a consumer in a restaurant
Waiter : Would you like another piece of cake?
Mr. Brown : Yes please, that would be nice.
Situation 2: a conversation between friends
Mia : Do you want some strawberries?
Tanya : I am good. Thanks.
       When someone says, “I am good.” It means that she or he does not need an offer. Accepting and declining offers politely may depend on what you are asked.

Do you understand?

The following are example of offering question. You can learn what to say if you accept or decline the offer
Example 1
Do you need a ride?
Positive response
Yes, please.
Yes, I’d love to.
Sure. That’s very kind of you.
Negative response
I am okay. Thank you.
I'd better not.
No, but thanks for offering.
Example 2
Would you like to go to a music festival?
Positive response
Sounds good.
Sure. I'd love to.
Yeah. Good idea.
Negative response
No, I'd rather not.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
Example 3
How about some more French fries?
Positive response
All right. Thanks.
Sure. Thanks.
Don't mind if I do.
Negative response
No, thanks.
I'm really full. Thanks anyway.
Looks delicious, but I'll have to pass.
Example 4
How about going to the movie this weekend?
Positive response
Great. What time?
Sounds like fun.
All right. When and where?
Negative response
Sorry. I'm busy this weekend.
I don't think I can.
How about some other time?


Offering something is the expression showing readiness and intention to help or to do something for someone else.
The expressions of offering something are classified into two groups, namely formal and informal expression.
The formal expression is used when you offer something to someone older than you. While informal expression is used when you offer something to someone younger than or the same level as you.


Part 1

1. What did Debbie forget to bring to show her fashion project? A: Debbie forgot to bring a projector to show her fashion project photos.
2. Why did Debbie need a projector instead of using a computer screen? A: A computer screen was too small for the audience to see the photos properly.
3. How did Joel plan to help Debbie with the projector? A: Joel offered to get a projector for Debbie.
4. Where did Joel ask Debbie to meet him to get the projector? A: Joel asked Debbie to meet him in the entrance hall.
5.  What was the problem with the projector that Debbie returned? A: The lamp of the projector was broken.
6.  How much did Joel say it would cost to replace the projector lamp? A: Joel said it would cost around two hundred pounds.
7. Why did Debbie feel that the accident was her fault? A: Debbie felt it was her fault because she forgot to bring a projector, leading to the situation.
8. What did Joel decide to do about the broken lamp? A: Joel decided to take responsibility and inform Miss Bradley about the accident.
9. How did Miss Bradley react to Joel's honesty? A: Miss Bradley praised Joel for being honest and doing the right thing.
10. What did Miss Bradley have to do after the incident with the broken lamp?
She would write a report about how the projector needs a new lamp
Part 2
1. What did Debbie promise to do at Sunny Bank?

a) Show some photos of her fashion project

b) Borrow a projector from the school

c) Help Lily with her school project

d) Buy a new memory stick

Answer: a) Show some photos of her fashion project

2. Why did Debbie need a projector?

a) To watch a movie

b) To show photos of her fashion project

c) To play games with her friends

d) To make a presentation about her school project

Answer: b) To show photos of her fashion project

3. What did Joel offer to do for Debbie?

a) Borrow a computer screen

b) Meet her in the entrance hall

c) Get her a new memory stick

d) Get her a projector

Answer: d) Get her a projector

4. What did Joel ask Debbie to do in the entrance hall?

a) Show him the photos of her fashion project

b) Wait for him for five minutes

c) Return the projector after an hour

d) Collect the broken lamp for the projector

Answer: b) Wait for him for five minutes

5. What happened to the projector lamp?

a) Debbie accidentally dropped it

b) Pete accidentally broke it

c) Jess accidentally broke it

d) The lamp burned out on its own

Answer: c) Jess accidentally broke it

6. Why did Joel want to tell Miss Bradley about the broken projector lamp?

a) To get a new lamp without paying for it

b) To avoid getting into trouble

c) To blame Debbie for the accident

d) To take responsibility for his actions

Answer: d) To take responsibility for his actions

7. How did Miss Bradley react when Joel told her about the broken lamp?

a) She got angry and punished Joel

b) She praised Joel for his honesty

c) She blamed Debbie for the accident

d) She ignored the situation and left the room

Answer: b) She praised Joel for his honesty

8. What did Miss Bradley say about Debbie's involvement in the incident?

a) She blamed Debbie for causing the accident

b) She praised Debbie for her fashion project

c) She said Debbie had nothing to do with it

d) She asked Debbie to pay for the new lamp

Answer: c) She said Debbie had nothing to do with it

s Bradley had to write a report about the projector needing a new lamp.

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur dan bertanggungjawab!

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban
01. Saya mengetahui arti kata-kata pada pada teks di atas
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02. Saya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata sesuai dengan audio/video yang disajikan
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03. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan membaca teks yang tersedia
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04. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan sedikit membaca teks
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05. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks
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06. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks disertai dengan variasi baru atau pengembangan teks
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07. Saya bisa membuat karya video terkait dengan percakapan yang diperagakan
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08. Saya bisa membuat video dan telah disosialisasikan pada sosial media yang saya miliki
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Buatlah jurnal harian untuk membantumu dalam mempercepat proses pembelajaran dengan menjawab soal evaluasi diri berikut ini.

  • Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
  • Apa yang menarik pada sesi ini?
  • Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
  • Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?

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