How to Make Appointments Formally

How to Make Appointments Formally

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How to Make Appointments Formally
Responding to meanings in formal and informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socializing) simple and accurate using oral text fluently and accurately in daily life context involving expressions of: making appointments formally.
Learning Objective(s)
• Identifying the expressions to make formal appointments fluently
• Arranging formal appointments accurately

Learn about it!
Have you ever made any appointments? People usually make an appointment before they see somebody. For example, a doctor, a consultant, a lecturer, or any people who work in public service. With friends, you might call them directly and speak casually. But, when you call your teachers or offices to make an appointment, you might need to speak formally.
Why do we have to make an appointment?

Making an appointment is a common courtesy. It means that it’s a polite behavior. We want to make sure that people that we want to meat will be available on the certain time. We cannot just come to someone’s house without making appointment beforehand, unless the host is fine with that.

There are several phases in making an appointment (if you or the people you want to meet are not available). You might want to change the time, day, or place. You might as well need to cancel it when you can make it.

Making an appointment
  • I’d like to make an appointment with …
  • I want to make an appointment to (see) …
  • I’d like to make an appointment to (see) …
  • I was wondering if (you) could come and see (me) some time …
  • Would you like to come and see me?”
  • Would you be available on …?
Accepting an appointment
No problem. I’m free on …”
Yes, Thursday is fine."
Friday suits me."
Tuesday would be perfect."
I’ll wait you there.”
I’ll be there on time”
I’m available on …
I would be available to discuss…. on … at …
Setting a time/day
What day did you have in mind?
Would Friday suit you?
What sort of time would suit you?
Is 8 a.m. a good time for you?
If possible, I'd like to meet in the morning.
How does 2 p.m. sound to you?
Cancelling an appointment
I’m sorry. I’m very busy.
Sorry, I don’t think I can make it.
I’m so sorry I can’t make it.
I’m terribly sorry (that) I have to put off my appointment.
I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with …

Changing an appointment
What about … (Sunday at 03: 00 p.m.)?
Is that O.K. if we meet at (9 tomorrow morning)?
Do you have another time (this afternoon)?
Could we change the day (time) of the meeting?
Would you mind if we change the day (time) of the meeting?

*Suggesting a different date## *
I'm afraid I can't on the 23rd. What about the 26th?
I'm sorry. I won't be able to make it on Sunday. Could we meet on Saturday instead?
Ah, Thursday is going to be a little difficult. I'd much prefer Friday, if that's alright with you.
I really don't think I can on the 11th. Can we meet up on the 12th?

Do you understand?
Read the following dialogue.


So, basically making an appointment is like a negotiation. Sometimes you get a deal, sometimes you don’t. The above phrases are examples so you can figure out what to say in making a formal appointment.

How to Make Appointments Informally
  • Knowing how to make appointments informally by using the right expressions to make and respond to appointments.
Learn about it!
Read the following illustration:
It has been a long time since the last time you meet with your high school best friends. You miss them and you want to meet them. So, you make a plan to meet them. However, unlike when you were in high school, each of you has different schedules now. It is a bit difficult to meet because you are busy and your friends are busy as well. In this case, you have to ensure that you and your friends are available to meet on a certain day at a certain time.
So, what do you have to do to ensure that? You have to make appointment with your friends. How do you make appointments with your friends or with other people in English? In this lesson you will find out about it. This lesson will tell you about how to make appointments informally (in an informal situation, usually with your friends, family, or with someone close to you)

In the dialogue above, Zara and Hannah make an appointment to meet up. They plan to meet on Saturday at 5 p.m. Now, read the dialogue one more time and find out how they make their appointment.
Hannah asks Zara to meet up this weekend. She says “Let’s meet up this weekend.” Then, she asks Zara if she is available this weekend by saying “Are you available on Saturday or Sunday?” These are some of the expressions that you can use when you want to make appointment with someone informally. So, how does Zara respond to the question? She says “Yeah, sure. I’m free this weekend. What day should we go?” This is a way to respond to an appointment.
In the dialogue above, you will also find these expressions:
  1. .… how about Saturday noon at 5?
  2. .… Should we meet at the usual place?
  3. Sounds good for me….
  4. That’s a great idea
  5. Perfect!
The first and the second expressions are another way to make an appointment. The expressions number three to five are the examples of how you respond to an appointment. More expressions can be found in the following table.

  • Making appointment is a skill that you need to arrange a meeting with other people.
  • In informal settings, you can use casual expressions.
  • In reponding to invitation to meet up, you can agree or decline.

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  • Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
  • Apa yang menarik pada sesi ini?
  • Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
  • Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?

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