Learning Antonyms (Analytical Exposition)

Learning Antonyms (Analytical Exposition)

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Learning Antonyms (Analytical Exposition)


Respond to meaning and generic structure in written essay accurately and fluently using daily life context to access scientific information in the following texts: report, narrative, analytical exposition.
Learning Objective(s)

  • Identify the antonyms of certain words correctly
  • Distinguish a word meaning from the others correctly

Learn about it!

In English, we often find some really long words that help us to understand how to read and write. Sometimes, these words are not familiar, but when we look at the dictionary, we know some words with similar meanings or even the opposite words. That is why it is important to learn about synonyms and antonyms. Remember this tip; synonyms are similar and antonyms are opposite. In this topic, we will focus discussing antonyms.

Why are synonyms and antonyms important?

In the previous lesson, you have learned about synonyms and in this lesson you are going to learn about antonyms. By knowing synonyms and antonyms you can express yourself better. When you are writing an essay, for example, you sometimes want to avoid using the same words over and over again. Knowing synonyms and antonyms can help you describe the same thing but in slightly different ways. This technique is called avoiding redundancy or repetition of similar words over and over again in a text. That way, you can deliver the exact message you are trying to communicate to the readers of your writing.

Using antonyms helps to emphasize your point, show contrast, or explain exactly what you mean. Antonyms too add "colors" to your speech or writing.

For example, compare these two paragraphs:

A boy was walking around his neighborhood. While walking down the street, the boy noticed a little dog. The dog he noticed was not fat. It *was very much not fat*.

A boy was walking around his neighborhood. While walking down the street, the boy noticed a little dog. Dog he saw was not fat. It was *skinny, and not chubby at all*.

Was not fat also means skinny. It means that skinny is the opposite word for fat.

Read the following text and pay attention to the underlined words.

The Sale of Junk Food

People have been blaming junk food for causing many undesirable health problems for children. It is referred to any food with low nutritional value such as instant noodles, chips and chocolate bars. It is not only those kinds of food, but also takeaway foods, pre-packaging meals and sugary snack food are also included as junk food. In response to the unwanted problems caused by the consumption of junk food, I strongly believe that the sale of junk food should be banned for some reasons.

First, junk food causes behavioral problems in children. Most of them contain chemical additives to enhance flavor and color. Furthermore, junk food has a lot of flavor as it is typically high in fat, salt, or sugar. These additives have been shown to cause the behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and pour concentration.

Second, junk food is also said as the major contributor to litter problems. The fast food packaging causes litter problems which is a safety and health hazard. Cans, crisp packets, cartons and plastic container are among of them and are everywhere. By reducing the sale of junk foods, litter problem in schools can be redressed as many junk foods are sold in school canteen. As a result of the reduction, the school grounds man doesn’t have to spend so long cleaning and has more time to spend on maintenance projects that benefit the school.

Third, junk foods need to be banned because they are unhealthy and junk food does not contain any nutritional value. Examples of the junk food that is low in nutritional value are biscuits, cookies, chips, hamburgers, instant noodles and soft drinks. These unhealthy diets can cause further problems to children.

As a conclusion, the consumption of junk foods by children has many side effects and has to be reduced. These unhealthy diets causes’ health and behavioral problems to children as well as causes litter problems to community. The blame is frequently directed at junk food. Therefore, the sale of junk food should be banned.


  • The first step is to really understand what an antonym is and how it is used. An antonym is the opposite meaning of a certain word. It is often used to help you show the difference between two things.
  • There is no way to build an impressive vocabulary in weeks or even months. Such mastery of words takes years to acquire. Consult to English Thesaurus to learn more about synonym and antonym.

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