Learning Parallel Structure

Learning Parallel Structure

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 Learning Parallel Structure


Comprehend parallel structure by using it in a sentence appropriately

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Have you ever heard or read the quotation? That is a really great quote by Martin Luther King Jr. What does make the quote so powerful and inspiring? What does it have to do with this lesson?

Pay attention to the structure of the sentences in the above quote:

  • If you can't fly, then run.
  • If you can’t run, then walk.
  • If you can’t walk, then crawl.
  • Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

Each sentence above consists of two clauses. Each clause in the same sentence uses present verb. They are parallel with each other. This is what you are going to learn in this lesson. This lesson will give you more insight into parallel structure (or sometimes called parallelism).

So, up to this point do you understand what parallel structure is? If you still don’t, you do not have to worry because you will find more of it in the following explanation.

Take a look at the examples below. Try to pay attention to the structure of the sentences.

  • Mother told me to study hard, eating well, and lived happily.
  • Mother told me to study hard, eat well, and live happily.

When you read the first sentence, you will find some inconsistent form of verbs. The first phrase is in the present form: study, the second phrase is in the –ing form: eating, and the last one is in its past form: lived. If you write a sentence like this, it will show your inconsistency in using the grammatical pattern. Besides, your writing will not be so readable for the reader.

Now, look at the second sentence. It is more readable, isn’t it? By readable it means that you can follow the structure easily. The phrases in the second sentence above are connected by coordinating conjunction with parallel structure (the lesson about conjunctions is accessible in the previous lesson if you need it). The first phrase is mother told me to study hard, the next one is eat well, and the last one is live happily.Study, eat, and live.

All the phrases are using the same form of verb: present verb. This is called parallel structure. Parallel structure provides clout and clarity in your writing, so the readers can follow the structure and read your writing easily.

By definition, parallel structure means the construction of a sentence in which the phrases or clauses use the same grammatical pattern in order to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Basically, it is the repetition of the grammatical pattern in a sentence.

  • If you use adjective in the first phrase, the rest of the phrase(s) in the sentence should be adjective.
  • If you use past or present form in the first clause, then you have to keep on using present tense for the next clause in the same sentence.
  • If you use active sentence for the first clause, you have to use active sentence for the next clause in the same sentence as well.

Changing the grammatical pattern or the verb form will break the parallelism in your sentence construction. When joining the words, phrases, or clauses in a parallel structure, you can use coordinating conjunctions or correlative conjunctions (you can find the lesson about conjunction in this website as well).

Do you understand?

More examples for you:

  • I think it will be better if we go there, and tell them about this situation.
  • We could plant more trees to reduce pollution, or cut them to add more pollution.
  • If I have the money, I would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid.


  • Parallel structure combines grammatically similar verbs, adjectives or nouns.
  • Using adjective in the first phrase requires the use of adjectives in rest of the phrase(s).
  • Using past or present form in the first clause, requiring the use of present tense for the next clause in the same sentence.
  • Using an active sentence in the first clause, requiring the use of an active sentence in the next clause.

Lets Practice!


A: What do you think about the commemoration of Asian-African conference two months ago?
B: I think the event was successful and it does fun to be there. It is a reminder of our glorious moment in history as one of the countries who hold an important role in the world’s development.

Change the underlined word, so it becomes parallel ….

a.   was fun
B.   were fun
C.   funs
D.   is fun
E.   did fun


The sentence should be parallel.


Jawaban A

Parallel sentence use the same grammatical pattern. Since the previous clause use past tense, thus it should use past tense as well. The subject is it, so the verb should be was.


Global warming is affecting the ecosystem, environment, and …. 

A.   the whole planet
B.   is bad for the earth
C.   destructive
D.   scary
E.   dangerous


The sentence should be parallel.


Jawaban A

Global warming is affecting the ecosystem, environment, and ….

‘The ecosystem’ and ‘environment’ are noun, so the last word should be noun as well.


We had to choose between going back or ... here.

The most suitable word to complete the sentence is …. 

A.   staying
B.   stay
C.   stays
D.   stayed
E.   is staying


The sentence should be parallel.


Jawaban A

The previous phrase is in –ing form ‘We had to choose between going back or …’

Thus, the word should be in –ing form as well. 


A college is a corner of men's hearts where hope has not died (1). Here the prison house has not closed (2); here no battle is yet quite lost (3). Here, we assert, endow, and defend as final reality the best of our dream as men (4). Here lies our sense of community (5).

Definition of college by Howard Lowry

The sentence that has parallel structure is …. 

A.   4
B.   5
C.   3
D.   2
E.   1


Which sentence does have parallel structure?


Jawanan A

“…we assert, endow, and defend …”

The sentence use the same grammatical pattern (the present verb form) for each phrase: assert, endow, defend. 


All sentences are parallel, except …. 

A.   The book is about defending morality and change the current paradigm.
B.   The people rebelled against the harsh and injustice government.
C.   My sister likes not only to draw but also to play piano.
D.   Our duty is to give back to the society and help those whore are in need.
E.   My hobby is riding bike, swimming, and hiking.


Which sentence is not parallel?


Jawaban A

To make the sentence parallel, it should be ‘The book is about defending morality and changing the current paradigm.’ 


We use dictionary to …. 

A.   find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs.
B.   finding word meanings, looking up pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs.
C.   finding word meanings, pronunciations, finding correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs.
D.   find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs.
E.   find word meanings, finding pronunciations, correct spellings, and looking up irregular verbs.


The sentence should be parallel.


Jawaban A

Parallel structure means using the same grammatical pattern in a sentence. After the word to, the verb should be in its present form. Thus, the answer should be ‘find’. Then, ‘word meanings’ is a noun, so the rest should be noun as well. There is no need to add other form of verb. 


Identify the error in the sentence.

Either I like the subject or I didn’t, I have to take it.

A.   didn't
B.   have to
C.   either
D.   like
E.   or


Hint: Which word does not make the sentence parallel?


Jawaban A 

It should be 

“Either I like the subject or I do not” or 
“Either I like the subject or not”.

The sentence is in the present form, thus the rest of the sentence should be in the present form as well. Didn’t is the past form of the word do not/does not, it makes the sentence not parallel. 


Change the sentence so it becomes parallel.

She has to choose between a new car or going to Europe. 

A.   She has to choose between a new car or a trip to Europe.
B.   She has to choose between buying a new car or a trip to Europe.
C.   She has to choose between a new car or going to Europe.
D.   She has to choose between buying a new car or go to Europe.
E.   She has to choose between a new car or go to Europe.


The sentence has parallel structure.


Jawaban A

Since the sentence should be parallel, all the words or phrases should have the same grammatical pattern. To reform education, health care services, and preserve social security. The word education is a noun, thus the rest of the sentence should be using noun as well. Preserve here is a verb, so it is not correct. 


During the election, one of the candidates promised to reform education, health care services, and preserve social security.

The error in the sentence above is …. 

A.   preserve social security
B.   health care services
C.   to reform education
D.   one of the candidates promised
E.   During the election


The sentence has parallel structure.


Jawaban A

Since the sentence should be parallel, all the words or phrases should have the same grammatical pattern. To reform education, health care services, and preserve social security. The word education is a noun, thus the rest of the sentence should be using noun as well. Preserve here is a verb, so it is not correct. 


You have a really big swimming competition next week. Your coach gave you some advice. Here are the advice that he gave you:

1.   Get enough sleep

2.   Do not eat too much

3.   Exercise before the game

Make a sentence that sums up your coach’s advice. The sentence should be parallel …. 

A.   My coach told me that I should get enough sleep, not eat too much, and do some exercise before the game.
B.   My coach told me that I should be getting enough sleep, not eating too much, and exercise before the game.
C.   My coach told me that I should getting enough sleep, not eat too much, and exercising before the game.
D.   My coach told me that I should get enough sleep, do not eat too much, and doing some exercise before the game.
E.   My coach told me that I should get enough sleep, do not eating too much, and doing some exercise before the game.


The grammatical pattern should be the same.


Jawaban A

After the modal verb should, the next word should be the present form of verb. Thus, the next words or phrases should also use present form of verb. 



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