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Welcome to study English. In this series we will study how to use Past Tense in our conversation. Before studying that tense (Past Tense) let's watch the short movie below!

ANNIE Pete! Pete, hang on!
PETE Hi, Annie.
ANNIE Can I talk to you for a moment?
PETE Yeah, 'course. See you later, Debbie. What's the matter, Annie?
JOEL Jess! What time are we meeting up to make all these cakes and things?
JASS Four o'clock. Right after school.
JOEL I'm no good at cooking.
JASS I wasn't any good until I tried it.
PETE Jess, hi. Listen. I'm really sorry. I can't help with the cooking after school.
JASS Pete, we're supposed to be doing this together...
PETE I know, I know. But something's come up. I'm really sorry, but I can't be there.
JOEL I can't believe Pete's not coming. We all agreed on this last week.
DEBBIE Yeah, and it was his idea. It's no good saying 'let's make cakes for the old people' and then not turn up to help.
JOEL Did he say why he's not coming?
JASS No. Just that something's come up.
DEBBIE I wonder if that girl has anything to do with it.
JASS What girl?
DEBBIE Annie, I think her name is. She wanted to talk to him at lunchtime.
JOEL She's probably his girlfriend. Wow - so he's not coming because his girlfriend wants to see him. That's bad. Hey, that's weird!
DEBBIE Can I have a look?
JOEL I haven't done this right, have I?
JASS What do you think?
JOELI think I've done it totally wrong.
JOEL Don't worry. I'll help you sort it out.
JOEL Pete, what happened to you yesterday?
PETE Didn't Jess say? Something came up.
JOEL But that's not how it works, Pete. We all have to work together.
PETE Calm down, Joel. I had a very good reason, OK?
JOEL OK, so what was your very good reason?
PETE It doesn't matter. You just have to trust me.
JOEL Trust you? I hardly know you.
PETE Go away, Joel. Leave me alone.
ANNIE It was my fault, not his.
PETE Leave it, Annie. It's none of his business.
ANNIE No, I don't want to leave it. Pete helped me out yesterday, OK? My mum's not well. I asked him to help and he did. He was just being a good friend, alright?
JOEL OK, OK, I'm sorry.

PETE I'm sorry, guys. I didn't explain properly yesterday because I didn't want to tell people about Annie.
JOEL Is she your girlfriend?
PETE No, Joel, she isn't. She's an old friend, that's all. She lives in my street. Her mum isn't very well. Annie has to look after her a lot. Sometimes it's too much for her. So then I help. I didn't want to let you down, but...
JASS You did the right thing.
DEBBIE Definitely.
PETE Well, I'm sorry anyway. How did the cooking go?
DEBBIE It was fine. No problem. Jess and I made cakes and Joel made erm, biscuits.
PETE Great. Can I try one?
PETE Thanks... Mm. I like it.
JOEL You can't be serious.
JOEL Yes, I am. I really like it. Come on. Let's take the cakes and biscuits down to the old people's home. It's teatime!
Buatlah film pendek seperti pada contoh di atas, seting dan dialog dapat divariasikan sesuai dengan inovasi dari masing-masing kelompok. Gunakan properti yang otentik dan sesuai dengan peran yang dimainkan. Lakukan dengan penuh penjiwaan dan ekspresikan emosi senang dan marah sesuai dengan kondisi yang diperankan. Selamat berkarya.

Let focus on this clip 

JOEL Pete, what happened to you yesterday?
PETE Didn't Jess say? Something came up.

see also on this clip

PETE I'm sorry, guys. I didn't explain properly yesterday because I didn't want to tell people about Annie.

The sentences above are the past tense sentences. If you want to know about Past Tense, please explore more in the link below!

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