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TEACHER OK everyone, this is your biggest challenge yet.
PETE A day when we mustn't argue?
TEACHER No, no. The challenge will take longer than a day. A day and a night in fact. You're going to go camping.
DEBBIE Camping!
PETE Wicked! Are you coming too, Miss?
TEACHER No. You have to plan the trip yourselves, and go on it yourselves, too. You're going to be on your own.
  • TEACHER No, no. The challenge will take longer than a day. A day and a night in fact. You're going to go camping.
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Present Progressive Tense)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

JASS Right, I've written out everything we need for the camping trip. I've listed the things you need for yourself and then some stuff for you to bring for all of us.
DEBBIE Baked beans? I hate those.
PETE Never mind, Debbie, I love them. You're bringing them for me!
JOEL There's loads of stuff here. Do we really need it all, Jess? I've got hardly any money at the moment.
PETE OK, then, you can sell your guitar!
PETE No, seriously, you can borrow some money from me. But I want it back, though.
JASS It's really important to be prepared. We don't want anything to go wrong.
  • JASS Right, I've written out everything we need for the camping trip. I've listed the things you need for yourself and then some stuff for you to bring for all of us.
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Present Perfect Tense Vs Past Tense)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

JASS Joel, Joel, hi! Have you got everything on your list yet?
JOEL Not yet. Give me a chance!

JASS How are you getting on with the camping list, Debbie?
DEBBIE Um, OK. What about you?
JASS Oh, I've finished mine. All done!

JASS Pete! Have you got everything on your list?
PETE List? What list?
JASS Pete!
PETE No, only joking. Don't worry. I'm going to get everything together tonight.
  • JASS How are you getting on with the camping list, Debbie?
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Giving Question)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

TEACHER I'm going to take you all to the campsite and then leave you. You'll be on your own, OK?
JASS Let's just check we've got everything before we go.
JOEL No. Not again, Jess.
  • TEACHER I'm going to take you all to the campsite and then leave you. You'll be on your own, OK?
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Connecting Idea)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

DEBBIE Eurgh, my feet are all wet.
PETE Put your boots on.
DEBBIE I didn't bring any.
JASS They were on your list.
DEBBIE I forgot them, OK.
JASS I said let's check everything, but no one wanted to.
DEBBIE Oh be quiet, Jess. Ouch!
DEBBIE Help me get this back up.
JASS Can you guys light the fire?
JOEL No problem.
PETE Have you got the matches?
JOEL Jess, have you got the matches?
JASS No but they were on someone's list.
DEBBIE I didn't bring any.
PETE I didn't either.
JOEL Nor me.
JASS I don't believe it!
JOEL Oh come on, Jess. Calm down.
PETE I know things are going wrong, but we can still have fun.
JOEL Yeah, let's ask the farmer for some matches.
PETE I'm on my way!
  • DEBBIE I didn't bring any.
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Past Tense)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

DEBBIE It's a good thing the farmer had some matches.
JOEL And some milk!
PETE And a tin opener!
JOEL We're really bad campers, aren't we?
JASS No, you're not.
JOEL That's right, we're not. We're still here, aren't we?
  • DEBBIE It's a good thing the farmer had some matches.
  • Vocabulary (Synonym & Antonym)
  • Grammar Review (Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun)
  • Expression of Offering Help
  • Role Play/Short Video/Instagram Post

There are a number of formulas used when offering help in English. Here are some of the most common:

· May I help you?

· Can I help you?

· Are you looking for something?

· Would you like some help?

· Do you need some help?

· What can I do for you today?

· Could I help you?

· How can I be of assistance to you?

· How can I be of help to you?

· What can I help you - What can I do for you?

· How can I assist you?

· How can I help you?

· Let me help you?

· Do you want me to help you?

· Shall I …?

Respond offering help


· Yes please, Sure,

· Why not,

· Of course,

· Certainly,

· I’d love to,

· It’s a good idea,

· That’s great.


· No, thanks,

· Please don’t bother,

· I’d love to but…,

· That’s great but…

Some ways to offering help for meals and drinks:

· Would you like…?,

· Would you care for …?,

· Why don’t you have…?,

· How about having …?

· May I offer you …?


A:   Would you like some bread?
B:   Yes, please.

A:   Would you care for some coffee?
B:   No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.

A:   Why don’t you have some biscuit, please?
B:   Thanks, I’d love to.

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