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A Verb can be complicated for some English learners. A Verb has some Conjugations. You will be good at arranging your sentences if you understand verb Conjugations. 

In discussing verbs, we will start from BE. BE has two functions, as a main verb and as a helping/ an auxiliary verb. BE as a main verb (simple present tense form) :
I AM a postman 
He IS lazy 
You ARE at the cinema 

BE functions as a main verb when there is no ordinary verb (such as walk, work, and run) in a sentence.

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (present continuous tense form) : 
I AM writing a letter now She IS reading a magazine now 
They ARE watching televisicn now 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive simple present tense form) : 
I AM brought by him to a Shopping Mall every Sunday 
A magazine IS read by her every evening 
Some apples ARE bought by Susan every Saturday 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive simple present continuous form) : 
I AM BEING fed by my mother
She IS BEING tough bu her tutor

BE functions as a helping/an auxiliary verb when there is an ordinary verb (such s bring, read, and buy) in a sentence 

BE as a main verb (simple past tense form) : 
I WAS here yesterday 
They WERE at the cinema last night 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (past continuous tense form) : 
I WAS cooking dinner yesterday evening 
They WERE playing PS3 game yesterday evening 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive simple past tense fo ): 
I WAS brought by him to a Shopping Mall last Sunday 
Some apples WERE bought by Susan last Saturday 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive past continuous tense form) : 
I WAS BEING fed by my mother yesterday morning 
They WERE BEING taught by their teacher yesterday afternoon 

BE as a main verb (present perfect tense form)
He has BEEN here since yesterday 
They have BEEN at the cinema for one hour 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (present perfect continuous tense form ) : 
I have BEEN watching television for 30 minutes 
She has BEEN teaching Eaglish for one hour 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive present | fect te nse form) : 
I have BEEN known by them for two years
She has BEEN treated well for one week

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive present perfect continuous tense form) : 
They have BEEN BEING fed by their mother for 15 minutes 
He has BEEN BEING punished by his father for one hour 

BE as a main verb (past perfect ‘ense form) : 
I had BEEN sad before he came to my house 
I had BEEN angry with him before he asked for an apology 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (past perfect continuous tense form) : 
We had BEEN studying for one hour when he came 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive past perfect tense form) : 
We had BEEN taught by our teacher before we had lunch 

BE as a helping/an auxiliary verb (passive past perfect continuous form) : 
We had BEEN BEING taught by our teacher for 15 minutes when the fi e began 

HAVE: HAVE has two functions, as a main verb and as an auxiliary verb: 

HAVE functions as a main verb (simple present tense form): 
I have two cars 
She has two cars They have two cars 
It has four legs 

HAVE functions as a main verb (simple past tense form): 
I had three cars last year 
We had three cars last year 
You had three cars last year 
He had three cars last year 
She had three cars last year 
They had three cars last year. 

HAVE functions as a main verb (present perfect tense form): 
I have HAD two cars since two years ago 
We have HAD two cars since two years ago 
She has HAD two cars since two years ago 
They have HAD two cars for two years 

HAVE functions as a main verb (past perfect tense form):
I had HAD breakfast before I went to work 
We had HAD breakfast before we went to work You had HAD breakfast before you went to work 
He had HAD breakfast before he went to work She had HAD breakfast before she went to work 
 They had HAD breakfast before they went to work
HAVE functions as an auxiliary verb. (present perfect tense form):
We HAVE met Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyono You HAVE met Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyono 
He HAS met Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyono

HAVE functions as an auxiliary verb (past perfect tense form (the form becomes HAD): 

I HAD taken a bath before my office mate came to my house 
We HAD had breakfast before we went to work You HAD studied hard before you had your examination 
He HAD graduated from law faculty when he started working at PT Global Perkasa 

DO functions as a main verb (simple present tense form): 
I DO my homework everyday 
We DO our homework everyday 
You Do your homework everyday 
He DOES his homework everyday
She DOES her homework everyday

Do functions as main verb Simple Past Tense (DO becomes DID)
I DID my homework yesterday.

DO functions as a main verb (simple past) Do become Did

We DID our homework yesterday 
You DID your homework yesterday 
He DiD his homework yesterday 
She DID her homework yesterday 
They DID their homework yesterday 

DO functions as an auxiliary verb (simple present tense form (it is used to forma Negative Sentence and an Interrogative Sentence): 

I DO not study everyday 
We DO not study everyday 
You DO not study everyday 
He DOES not study everyday 
She DOES not study everyday

A: I am often confused about how to use BE. 
B: BE has two functions. 
A: What are they? 
B : As a main verb and as a helping/an auxiliary verb. 
A: Can you give me the example of each? 
B: “He IS a farmer” is the example of BE as a main verb and “He IS sleeping is the example of BE as a Helping/an auxiliary verb".
A: You are good at grammar. 
B: Thank you. I am a diligent student. 

Bacalah materi yang tersedia, setelah itu putar audio pada tautan yang disediakan, dengarkan kemudian tirukan, lakukan berulang-ulang. Cari teman untuk memperagakan percakapan setelah itu lakukan improvisasi. Langkah terakhir adalah membuat sebuah video terkait kegiatan bermain peran sesuai dengan topik di atas. Selamat berlatih!

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur dan bertanggungjawab!

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban
01. Saya mengetahui arti kata-kata pada pada teks di atas
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02. Saya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata sesuai dengan audio/video yang disajikan
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03. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan membaca teks yang tersedia
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04. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan sedikit membaca teks
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05. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks
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06. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks disertai dengan variasi baru atau pengembangan teks
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07. Saya bisa membuat karya video terkait dengan percakapan yang diperagakan
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08. Saya bisa membuat video dan telah disosialisasikan pada sosial media yang saya miliki
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Bila ada jawaban "Tidak", maka segera lakukan review pembelajaran, terutama pada bagian yang masih "Tidak".

Bila semua jawaban "Ya", maka Anda dapat melanjutkan ke pembelajaran berikutnya.

Buatlah jurnal harian untuk membantumu dalam mempercepat proses pembelajaran dengan menjawab soal evaluasi diri berikut ini.

  • Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
  • Apa yang menarik pada sesi ini?
  • Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
  • Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?

Informasi lainnya yang terkait dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini