If Clause III

If Clause III

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If clause type III discusses about past events that is impossible to happen in the past time. The formula is as follow:

If-CLAUSE: the past perfect and RESULT CLAUSE: would have/could have + past participle (Verb III).

If I had had a dog, I would have followed the competition 
Past Perfect + S would have + VIII

The examples of the sentence:
If you had told me, I wouldn't have bought that food
I wouldn't have bought that food if you had told me
The explanation of the above examples:
You didn't tell me about that food yesterday, that's why I bought it

If I had had enough money, I would have given you some 
I would have given you some money if I had had enough money
The explanation of the above examples:
I didn't have enough money, so I didn't give you some

If she had been diligent, she would have passed the test
She would have passed the test if she had been diligent
The explanation of the above examples
She wasn't diligent so she didn't pass the test

If she had loved me, I would have married her 
I would have married her if she had loved me
The explanation of the above examples:
She didn't love me so I didn't marry her

If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have seen sunrise 
I would have seen sunrise if the weather had been nice yesterday
The explanation of the above examples:
The weather wasn't nice yesterday so I didn't see sunrise

All the above pairs of sentences are the examples of sentences using IF CLAUSE IIl
We use IF CLAUSE III when what we say is contrary to the fact in the past

Let's take a look at the following illustration:

Long time ago when I was young and twenty, I felt in love to a very pretty girl, she was very kind too. I decided to tell my felling and I proposed her. The result she rejected me because of something that she couldn't explain. She had someone special deep in her heart, that wasn't me. Until now I still love her and this is my expectation:

If she had felt in love with me as well, I would have married her. If I had married her, I would have bought her a small cozy house. If we had had a house; we would have built a happy family with two children. If I had had children, they would have gone to elementary school now and I would have been a good father for them.


A: Why do you look so sad, my dear?
B: Should I tell you the truth? My heart is full of sadness.
A: What kind of thing or power that can crush your little heart?
B: Well, I didn't pass my English test this morning.
A: How come? You're one of the best students that your family and I are proud of.
B: Yeah, It's because I didn't study at all last night. I spent my time to chat in messenger with Eka.
A: I believe if you had studied last night, you would have passed the test.
B: That's why my teacher was angry at me.
A: Yes, if you had passed the test, she wouldn't have been angry at you. 
B: If I had passed the test, my mom wouldn't have been angry at me either.
A: Well my dear, you have got new experience. Don't do it again in the future will you?
B: Thanks honey, you're the best. I have to go now. Good bye!
A: Ok then, see you!

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