Describing Location of Public Place

Describing Location of Public Place

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Describing Location of Public Place

This is to learn how to explain famous public places in your city. The famous public places can be shopping malls, big super markets, big department stores, cinemas, parks, beaches, and post offices.

Of course, to make the conversation fluent, you must be familiar with the public place that you want to talk about. If you want to talk about Transn Studio Bali Mall, you must be familiar with the facilities available inside the mall. If you want to talk about Lake Bratan in Bedugul, you must be familiar with the surrounding area. If you want to talk about Matahari Terbit Beach in Sanur, you must be familiar with the facilities available there, such as canoe rent and food stalls

A: Can you explain Ramayana Bali Mall to me?
B: Sure, It is one of the biggest shopping malls in Denpasar.
A: Where is it located?
B: It is located on Jalan Diponegoro.
A: What can you find on the first floor?
B: There are a KFC and lady's wear counters.
A: Does it have an exhibition area?
B: Yes, it does. Famous motorcycle companies exhibit their sometimes products there.
A: What can I get at lady's wear counters?
B: You can get shirts, t-shirts, dresses, skirts and accessories. 
A: Can I get lady's underwear? 
B: Sure. The counter is on the corner if I am not mistaken.
A: What can you find on the second floor?
B: There are men's wear counters, shoe counter, and bag counter.
A: Can I get a tie on the second floor?
B: Yes, it is on the left corner of the store.
A: Can I get a money belt at the bag counter?
B: Yes, you can get various types of money belt.
A: Actually, I still have a lot of questions about Ramayana Bali Mall, but I am in a hurry now.
B: Don't worry! I will explain more when we meet again.


X: Today is Saturday. Isn't it?
Y: Yes, it is.
X: I am going to Bali Galeria tomorrow.
Y: Where is it located?
X: It is located in Kuta. Bali Galeria is a huge shopping mall.
Y: What are available there?
X: Duty Free Shop, Planet Hollywood, Cineplex 21, Matahari Department Store, Gramedia Bookstore, and many other smaller stores.
Y: Why is it called duty free shop, and who can buy there?
X: It is called duty free shop because each item sold is free from duty or tax. Only people who want to go abroad can buy at the duty free shop.
Y: What can we buy at the duty free shop? 
X: You can buy fancy imported goods.
Y: Can I buy Gucci handbags?
X: Yes, you can. There are other famous brands you can get, such as Lanvin, Coach, Burberry and Christian Dior. 
Y: Does it sell cosmetics and perfumes?
X: Yes, it does. It has huge selections of cosmetics and perfumes from famous brands, such as Guerlain, Channel, Christian Dior, Clinique, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, and YSL.
Y: Does it sell liquor?
X: Yes, it does. It sells expensive high quality liquors from France, England, and The USA.
Y: What is Planet Hollywood?
X: It is similar to Hard Rock Café.
Y: What is Cineplex 21?
X: Cineplex 21 is a place where you can see movies. 
Y: Do you know the location of Gramedia Bookstore?
X: Yes, I do. It is on the second floor of the center building.
Y: And Matahari Department Store? Do you know?
X: Yes, I do. It is on the other corner of the building.
Y: You know a lot about Bali Galeria.
X: I work there.
Y: No wonder.
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