Describing People

Describing People

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Describing People

This is to learn how to describe people according to their personality and appearance. As what we have learnt previously about adjective of personality and appearance, here we will use them to describe people. The purposes of this subject are to give clear description about some people around us as well as giving complete information about them. Actually, there is no fix theory in describing people. We just need to know how to put those adjectives in good arrangement before noun. We know that as a noun phrase.

Following is the pattern how to arrange some adjectives before noun to make a noun phrase.

First, we have to write our opinion about someone or something; such as beautiful, handsome, clever, rich, kind, friendly, etc.
Second, we have to state the size like; big, small, fat, thin, etc.
Third, we write the age; such as: old, young, modern, ancient, etc.
Fourth, stating the shape, like round, straight, curly, rectangle, etc.
Fifth, we write the color; such as. blonde, black, white, etc 
Sixth, we write the origin, for instant; American, British, Indonesian, etc.
Seventh, we write the material of the object, such as, wooden, ceramic, iron, etc. 
The last is the object or the purpose that we want to describe.

Therefore, the pattern is opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, and object (purpose) 


He is a handsome fat young tall black American man.
           (opinion size age shape color origin object

He has a shiny short black hair.
(opinion size color object) 


A: Yesterday I went to your house but you weren't at home. I just met a man in front of your house. 
B: Yesterday I had to pick up my brother-in-law at airport. He just came from abroad. By the way, you said that you met a man there. I think there is no man other than me and my father at my home. Can you describe him?
A: Yeah. He is a tall black man. I think he's around 30s.
B: Can you describe him more detail?
A: He has messy long wavy black hair.
B: How about his nose?
A: He has a big flat nose and full black lips.
B: Still I don't know who he is. Is there any special characteristic that you remember about him?
A: Yes, I remember. He is very talkative and friendly. He greeted me first before I asked him.
B: As I know there are a lot of friendly people around my house.
A: Sometimes he spoke something that I didn't understand. He always hid his hands while we were talking.
B: How about his lips and his eyes?
A He has full black lips and wide eyes. 
B: And how about his clothes? What did he wear yesterday?
A: He wore a torn red T-shirt. His shorts were very dirty. I think the color was grey. He also brought some water bottles in a big sack.
B: O, that man. He isn't my family or my neighbor. He is a mad man who always passes the road in front of my house.
A: That's why when I asked him about you, he said that he didn't know you.

The Vocabulary of The Adjectives of Appearance:
Old: tua
Middle-aged: berusia paruh baya
Young: muda
Tall: tinggi
Medium-height: tingginya sedang
Short: pendek
Fat: gemuk
Plump: montok
Well-built: tegap
Medium-weigh: beratnya sedang
Thin: kurus
Slim: ramping
Blond: pirang (rambut)
Brown: coklat (rambut, kulit,mata)
Black: hitam (rambut, kulit)
Grey: beruban (rambut)
Long: rambut panjang
White: putih (kulit)
Bald: botak
Balding: membotak
Curly: keriting
Wavy: berombak (rambut)
Neat: rapi (rambut)
Straight: lurus (rambut)
Receding: tersisir kebelakang (rambut)
Blue: biru (mata)
Pointed: mancung (hidung)
Flat: pesek (hidung)
Bushy: tebal (alis)
Thin: tipis (alis, bibir)
Thick: tebal (bulu mata)
Beautiful: cantik
Charming: cantik dan menarik
Pretty: menarik
Handsome: ganteng
Good-looking: ganteng/cantik

The Vocabulary of The adjectives of Personality:
Adventurous: berani mengambil resiko
Affectionate: penuh kasih sayang
Ambitious: bercita-cita keras
Brave: berani
Cheerful: riang
Compassionate: mudah kasihan
Consistent: konsisten
Courteous: sopan
Careful: hati-hati
Calm: tenang
Decisive: tegas
Demonstrative: jelas-jelas penuh kasih sayang
Diligent: rajin
Energetic: penuh semangat (dalam beraktifitas)
Faithful: dapat dipercaya dan setia
Friendly: ramah
Frank: suka berterus terang
Generous: dermawan
Gentle: lemah lembut, ramah
Gregarious: sangat ramah dan bersahabat
Honest: Jujur
Idealistic: idelialis
Independent: mandiri
Innocent: lugu
Intelligent: cerdas
Kind: baik
Kind-hearted: baik hati
Lively: lincah
Modest: rendah hati
Optimistic: optimis
Outspoke: suka berterus terang
Patient: sabar
Pleasant: menyenangkan
Polite: sopan
Quiet:tidak suka banyak bicara
Realiable: dapat diandalkan
Sensible: bijaksana
Sociable: ramah dan menyenangkan
Spontaneous: suka melakukan sesuatu secara spontan/tidak direncanakan
strong-willed: berkemauan keras
sympathetic: simpatik
wise: bijaksana
Abrupt: kasar (perilaku)
Arrogant: sombong
Bad-tempered: bertemperamen buruk
Boring: membosankan
Bossy: berlagak bos
Changeable: mudah berubah pikiran
Cruel: jahat
Cunning: licik
Careless: ceroboh
Dishonest: tidak jujur
Domineering: suka menguasai (orang lain, percakapan)
Dull: bodoh
Emotional: mudah marah
Foolish: bodoh
Forgetful: mudah lupa
Fussy:perhatian pada hal-hal yang minor/tidak penting
Head strong: kepala batu
Hasty: suka terburu-buru
Impatient: tidak sabar
Impolite: tidak sopan
Indifferent: cuek
Lazy: malas
Mean: licik
Mean: kikir
Naive: bloon
Nosy: suka ikut campur (urusan orang lain) 
Odd: aneh
Passive: tidak giat/tidak berinisiatif
Permissive: serba membolehkan
Pessimistic: pesimis
Pushy: terlalu agresif
Quarrelsome: suka cekcok
Rash: ceroboh
Restless: gelisah
Rude: berkelakuan buruk
Selfish: mementingkan diri sendiri/egois
Sentimental: lekas/mudah terharu
Silly: tolol
Stingy: pelit
Stupid: bodoh
Suspicious: lekas/mudah curiga
Talkative: suka banyak bicara
Wicked: jahat
Coward: Penakut/Pengecut

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