Describing Tourism Places

Describing Tourism Places

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Describing Tourism Places

This is to learn how to explain famous tourism places in your area. The famous tourism places can be beaches, mountains, temples, zoos, and lakes. By learning this subject you will know how to describe the location of tourism place, how to give information about the facilities available ther, and also about the scenery which surrounding that place. 

To make the conversation fluent, you must be familiar with the tourism place that you want to talk about If you want to talk about Besakih Temple, you must know about its location and must be familiar with the surrounding area If you want to talk about Kuta Beach, you must be familiar with the facilities around that place.


Adjectives (Kata Sifat) 
Wonderful : indah
Beautiful : indah, cantik
Magnificent: menarik
Picturesque: indah
Lovely: menyenangkan
Colorful: penuh warna
Convenient: nyaman
Quiet: sepi
Calm : tenang
Peaceful: damai
Not far : tidak jauh
Near: dekat
Hospitable: ramah
Favorite: favorit
Famous : terkenal
Impressive : menakjubkan


S: Excuse me, May I know the nearest tourism place from Ngurah Rai airport?
P: Certainly The nearest tourism place is Kuta beach.
S: I see. That beach is very famous in my city. But I never visit that place. This is my first holiday in Bali.
P: Oh really? By the way, where are you from?
S: I am from Medan. I am Bonar Sirait, please call me Sirait.
P: I am Putu. Do you have any questions? Perhaps I can assist you 
S: Where is the location of Kuta Beach?
P: Kuta. It is a very short driveway from the airport, and transportation is available to take you from here to Kuta.
S: How about the view around it?
P: Kuta Beach is very familiar with its sunset. It has daily wonderful sunset. The sunset in Kuta Beach is the most breathtaking. There are also coconut trees lined along the beach sand. It makes Kuta become one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourists.
S: How about other facilities which surrounding this area?
P: It is also the centre of nightlife activities in Southern Bali and a shopping area, with its lines of shops, boutiques, and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the hotels, ranging from small, cheap home stays to luxurious resorts, will be ready to accommodate you
S: Oh, I think Kuta Beach is very beautiful, how about its wave? Is it good for surfing?
P: Of course, Kuta Beach is one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle. As short walk away north, the wave will invite you to surf.
S: Your explanation about Kuta Beach makes me really want to visit it soon. Thank you very much for your information Putu
P: You're welcome Mr. Sirait. Enjoy your holiday!


Nearest: terdekat
Famous: terkenal
Night life: dunia malam
Breathtaking: mempesona
Luxurious: megah
To surf: berselancar


R: Hi Made, How are you today?
M: I am fine Ratna, How about you?
R: I am fine too. I want to know more about Besakih temple because my family and I want to go there tomorrow, but I don't know how to get there from Kuta. Do you know the easiest way, Made? 
M: Certaily, you can go to Besakih from Kuta by heading to Sanur and then take the Kusamba Bypass to Klungkung. Head north through Klungkung, and take the right turn off at Menanga to Besakih
R: How many hours will the journey take?
M: The journey from Kuta will take about 3 hours.
R: Have you visited that place?
M: I have visited there many times for praying. Balinese people often visit Besakih temple to receive blessings and lay offerings at certain shrines. Special calendar dates are more auspicious than others and during a big ceremony it can be an impressive sight.
R: How high is it?
M: t is about 1,000 meters or 3,000 feet.
R: Really? It is a very amazing temple. What is the name of the largest temple and what kind of building that is available there?
M: Pura Penataran Agung and it is known as the greatest temple in the country. it possesses 7 tiered terraces, and over 50 structures including thrones and shrines.
R: I can imagine how tired we are to reach that temple. Is there any special attire to enter that place?
M: Of course, when visiting Besakih we have to bring a sarong, shirt and sash. Tank tops, vests, bikinis, revealing attire, and mini skirts are not desirable. You will be able to buy a sarong and sash outside by bargaining. Women who are menstruating are not allowed to enter the temple.
R: Thank you made, I will follow your suggestion. 
M: You're welcome Ratna. It is very nice to have been able to help you.


Turn off: berbelok
Shrines: tempat sembahyang, sanggah, pelinggih 
Auspicous: keberuntungan
Tiered: berjenjang
Throne: tahta, kedudukan
Special attire: pakaian khusus
Desirable: diinginkan
Sash: selendang

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