Pete: Yeah, of course. See you later, Debbie. (Turning back to Annie) What's up?
Joel: Jess, what time are we meeting to make all these cakes and stuff?
Jess: Four o’clock, right after school.
Joel: I’m useless in the kitchen.
Jess: So was I—until I gave it a try.
Pete: Jess, hey. Listen, I’m really sorry, but I can’t help with the baking after school.
Jess: Pete, we’re supposed to be doing this together...
Pete: I know, I know. But something’s come up. I’m really sorry—I just can’t make it.
Jess: Hey!
Joel: I can’t believe Pete’s bailing on us. We all agreed to this last week.
Debbie: Yeah, and it was his idea! You can’t just say, “Let’s make cakes for the old people,” and then not show up.
Joel: Did he say why he couldn’t come?
Jess: No. Just that something came up.
Debbie: I wonder if that girl has anything to do with it.
Jess: What girl?
Debbie: Annie, I think. She pulled him aside at lunch.
Joel: Oh, she’s probably his girlfriend. Wow—so he ditched us just to hang out with her? That’s messed up.
Joel: Hey, that looks weird!
Debbie: Let me see.
Joel: I messed this up, didn’t I?
Jess: What do you think?
Joel: Yeah… I totally messed it up.
Jess: Don’t worry, I’ll help you fix it.
Joel: Pete, what happened to you yesterday?
Pete: Didn’t Jess tell you? Something came up.
Joel: That’s not how this works, Pete. We’re a team.
Pete: Relax, Joel. I had a good reason, OK?
Joel: Then what was it?
Pete: It doesn’t matter. Just trust me.
Joel: Trust you? I barely know you.
Pete: Just drop it, Joel.
Annie: It was my fault, not his.
Pete: Annie, don’t—it's none of his business.
Annie: No, I want to. Pete helped me yesterday, OK? My mum’s not well. I asked him for help, and he was just being a good friend.
Joel: Oh… I see. I’m sorry.
Pete: I should’ve explained, but I didn’t want to bring Annie into it.
Joel: Is she your girlfriend?
Pete: No, Joel. She’s just an old friend. She lives on my street. Her mum isn’t well, and Annie takes care of her. Sometimes it gets too much, so I help. I didn’t want to let you guys down, but…
Jess: You did the right thing.
Debbie: Definitely.
Pete: Still, I’m sorry. How did the baking go?
Debbie: It was fine. Jess and I made cakes, and Joel made… um, biscuits.
Pete: Nice! Can I try one? (Takes a bite) Mmm, I like it.
Joel: You’re kidding, right?
Pete: Nope. It’s actually good. Come on, let’s take these cakes and biscuits to the old people’s home. It’s teatime!