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Enough…Not Enough
Understanding the use of “enough” in
various context of expression
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Grammar explanation
enough means
'as much as necessary'. It can be used with an adjective, an adverb, a verb or
a noun. It can also act as a pronoun.
With adjectives and
enough comes
after adjectives and adverbs.
I'm not tall enough to
reach the top shelf.
Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university.
I couldn't write quickly enough and I ran out of time.
I've helped at conferences often enough to know what can go wrong.
Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university.
I couldn't write quickly enough and I ran out of time.
I've helped at conferences often enough to know what can go wrong.
With verbs
enough comes
after verbs.
I make sure I drink enough
during the day.
I don't read enough but I'm going to start downloading books to my phone.
I don't read enough but I'm going to start downloading books to my phone.
With nouns
enough comes
before nouns.
There isn't enough bread
to make sandwiches.
Have you got enough money?
Have you got enough money?
As a pronoun
enough can
also be used without a noun.
I'll get some more chairs.
There aren't enough.
A: Do you want more coffee? B: No, I've had enough, thanks.
A: Do you want more coffee? B: No, I've had enough, thanks.
We know what the noun is because of the context.
With an adjective and a
When enough is
used with an adjective and a noun, two positions are possible but the meaning
We haven't got big enough
We haven't got enough big envelopes.
We haven't got enough big envelopes.
When enough is after the
adjective (big enough
envelopes), it describes the adjective – the envelopes are too
small. When enough is before the
adjective (enough big
envelopes), it describes the noun phrase – we have some big
envelopes, but we need more.
enough of
We normally only use enough
of when it is followed by a determiner or a pronoun (a/an/the, this/that, my/your/his, you/them, etc.).
There isn't enough of that
bread to make sandwiches for everyone.
I've seen enough of his work to be able to recommend him.
There's enough of us to make a difference.
I've seen enough of his work to be able to recommend him.
There's enough of us to make a difference.
Do you
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur dan bertanggungjawab!
No. | Pertanyaan | Jawaban | |
01. | Saya mengetahui arti kata-kata pada pada teks di atas |
Ya | Tidak |
02. | Saya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata sesuai dengan audio/video yang disajikan |
Ya | Tidak |
03. | Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan membaca teks yang tersedia |
Ya | Tidak |
04. | Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan sedikit membaca teks |
Ya | Tidak |
05. | Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks |
Ya | Tidak |
06. | Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks disertai dengan variasi baru atau pengembangan teks |
Ya | Tidak |
07. | Saya bisa membuat karya video terkait dengan percakapan yang diperagakan |
Ya | Tidak |
08. | Saya bisa membuat video dan telah disosialisasikan pada sosial media yang saya miliki |
Ya | Tidak |
Bila ada jawaban "Tidak", maka segera lakukan review pembelajaran, terutama pada bagian yang masih "Tidak".
Bila semua jawaban "Ya", maka Anda dapat melanjutkan ke pembelajaran berikutnya.
Buatlah jurnal harian untuk membantumu dalam mempercepat proses pembelajaran dengan menjawab soal evaluasi diri berikut ini.
- Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
- Apa yang menarik pada sesi ini?
- Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
- Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?
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