Everyday Conversation (Daily Activity)

Everyday Conversation (Daily Activity)

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Welcome to study English. Ini this series we will learn how to make a conversation about daily Activity. You can widen your topic not only about daily activity but also about routine activity. Routine activity can be wider than daily activity. It can be about what you do on holiday such as Galungan Ceremony, Idul Fitri,  Chistmast, New Year's Eve or your routine on Saturdays or Sundays. When you talk about daily activity, itu can cover your activity from waking up in the morning until going to sleep at night time.
When you make conversation about daily activity, you can talk about your mother's daily activity, father's/sister's/brother's daily activity. The main tense that we will use on this type of conversation ia simple present tense. Look at this following conversation.
A: Hello, how are you?
B: I am OK, thank. And you?
A: I am very well, thanks. By the way, Do you still work at SMA Negeri Bali Mandara
B: Yes, I do.
A: You must be busy everyday.
B: It is nice to be busy, isn't it?
A: Yes, it is. What time do you wake up every morning?
B: I wake up at 05.00 am.
A: Do you have breakfast at home before working?
B: No, I don't. I have breakfast at my school.
A. What time do you have breakfast?
B. I have breakfast at 07.15 am.
A: Do you work everyday?
B: Yes, I work everyday, except on Sundays.
A: What time do you go to work?
B: I usually go to work at 06.30 am.
A: What time do you arrive at the office?
B: I usually arrive at 07.00 am.
A: How do you go to work?
B: I go to work by motorcycle.
A: What time do you have lunch?
B: I usually have lunch at 12.15 pm.
A: What time do you leave your office?
B: I leave my office at 06.15 pm.
A: Do you directly go home?
B: Yes, I directly go home.
A: What time do arrive home?
B: I arrive home at 07.00 pm.
A: Do you watch YouTube in the evening?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What channel YouTube do you like?
B: I like news program.
A: What time do you go to sleep?
B: I go to sleep about 10.00 pm.
A: You go to sleep early.
The above conversation use Simple Present Tense. It is used to express ROUTINE ACTIVITY.
The usual time signals for this tense are: every morning, every afternoon, every evening, every day, every week, every month, every year, every hour, every Sunday etc.
I wake up at 05.00 am every day.
I do not go to work every Sunday. 

She cooks some rice every morning. 
She doesn't cook some rice every morning. 

Simple Present Tense is also use to express FACT or TRUTH
The sun rises in the east. 
The sun doesn't rise in the west. 

The sun sets in the west. 
The sun doesn't set in the east. 

A horse has four legs.
A horse doesn't have five legs. 

Look at this example based the situational conversation above. 



this is the expression of time. There are several ways to expressing time. 
06.30 = six thirty
07.15 = seven fifteen
07.45 = seven forty five

06.30 = half past six
07.15 = fifteen past seven/ a quarter past seven

07.45 = fifteen to eight/ a quarter to eight

There are two division of time in a day, AM and PM. 
AM = Ante Meridiem. The time duration of AM is from 12.00 midnight to 12.00 noon. 

PM = Post Meridiem. The time duration of PM is from 12.00 noon to 12.00 midnight. 
A: What will we say if I meet you at 07.00 am? 
B: I will say good Morning. 
A: That's right, What will you say if I meet you at 08.00 pm?
B: In that case I will say good evening. 

Ok that all for today, keep going on studying. The more you study the better you are. bye bye
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Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur dan bertanggungjawab!

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban
01. Saya mengetahui arti kata-kata pada pada teks di atas
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02. Saya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata sesuai dengan audio/video yang disajikan
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03. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan membaca teks yang tersedia
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04. Saya bisa memperagakan percakapan dengan sedikit membaca teks
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05. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks
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06. Saya bisa memperagakan tanpa membaca teks disertai dengan variasi baru atau pengembangan teks
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07. Saya bisa membuat karya video terkait dengan percakapan yang diperagakan
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08. Saya bisa membuat video dan telah disosialisasikan pada sosial media yang saya miliki
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Bila ada jawaban "Tidak", maka segera lakukan review pembelajaran, terutama pada bagian yang masih "Tidak".

Bila semua jawaban "Ya", maka Anda dapat melanjutkan ke pembelajaran berikutnya.

Buatlah jurnal harian untuk membantumu dalam mempercepat proses pembelajaran dengan menjawab soal evaluasi diri berikut ini.

  • Apakah yang kamu telah pelajari pada bagian ini?
  • Apa yang menarik pada sesi ini?
  • Apa kendala yang kamu alami?
  • Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut?

Informasi lainnya yang terkait dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini